Avocado pit dye, sensitive fern, daisy fleabane, wild teasel, wild carrot, ink, acrylic paint and pond water on muslin
Marigold, rose petal, acrylic and ink on muslin
Dandelion dye, turmeric, dame’s rocket, marsh buttercup, wild teasel, wild carrot, ink, acrylic paint on muslin
Sensitive fern, dandelion, hibiscus leaves, ink, pond water on muslin
Dandelion dye, wild carrot, dandelion flower, ink, acrylic paint and pond water on muslin
Turmeric, wild teasel, acrylic paint and pond water on fabric
Yellow onion skin, acrylic, ink, castilleja, sagebrush on muslin
Sagebrush, castilleja, logwood, and acrylic on muslin
Avocado Pit Dye, Acrylic, Ink, Sensitive Fern, Daisy Fleabane, Wild Carrot
Dandelion Dye, Acrylic, Ink, Wild Carrot, Dandelion
Sensitive Fern, Dandelion, Hibiscus Dye, Acrylic, Ink, Pond Water
Avocado pit dye, sensitive fern, daisy fleabane, wild teasel, wild carrot, ink, acrylic paint and pond water on muslin
Marigold, rose petal, acrylic and ink on muslin
Dandelion dye, turmeric, dame’s rocket, marsh buttercup, wild teasel, wild carrot, ink, acrylic paint on muslin
Sensitive fern, dandelion, hibiscus leaves, ink, pond water on muslin
Dandelion dye, wild carrot, dandelion flower, ink, acrylic paint and pond water on muslin
Turmeric, wild teasel, acrylic paint and pond water on fabric
Yellow onion skin, acrylic, ink, castilleja, sagebrush on muslin
Sagebrush, castilleja, logwood, and acrylic on muslin
Avocado Pit Dye, Acrylic, Ink, Sensitive Fern, Daisy Fleabane, Wild Carrot
Dandelion Dye, Acrylic, Ink, Wild Carrot, Dandelion
Sensitive Fern, Dandelion, Hibiscus Dye, Acrylic, Ink, Pond Water